RHL Preschool Blog

Get a chance to read about what's going on at school and current research in the field of Child Development! 

Never too young

Each day I read over and over again about companies who are searching for top candidates to provide the best opportunity for success in the work-field. In a day in age where we all want nothing but the best for our little ones, is it too early to start thinking about those life-long skills? NO WAY! The early years in a child is the prime time to be growing and scaffolding the skills that our little ones need to be future successful members in our society. Doing some research I found this list to be helpful in what employees are seeking when they are hiring their top candidates: 

1. Be Accountable

2. Have Good Interpersonal Skills

3. Resourcefulness

4. Openness to sharing ideas and experiences

5. Motivated

6. Self-Awareness

7. Action Oriented

8. Integrity

Here's the best news-in a high-quality Preschool these things are happening EVERYDAY! The lessons, interactions, creations, exploring and more are all ways your little ones are going to be nothing but the best when they reach their hiring years! 

Here's to our future-and may their future be so very bright! 

Submitted by: 

Katherine Yeakel, RHL Preschool Director
