Outdoor classroom NEWS!

We have begun the exciting process of transforming our outdoor classroom and playground into a truly unique outdoor classroom experience specially designed for our space by the Nature Explore program.

See below for the first glimpse of our Outdoor Classroom being created by the Nature Explore program.

Benefits of an outdoor classroom:

Physical: In increase in physical development, capability, and activity.

Cognitive: Stronger language, problem-solving, and communication skills through projects and group activities.

Psychological: Happier, higher more positive self-esteem.

Understanding: Familiarity with and appreciation of nature.

Learning Foundations:

Art - Daily

Dramatic Play - RHL's Famous Stage

Math - Daily Nature Driven

Science - Daily Nature Driven

Manipulatives - Loose Parts

Sensory - Dirt, Sand, and Weather Made

Gross Motor - Building, Bikes, and Running

"Learning science is something that students do, not something that is done to them. 'Hands-on' activities, while essential, are not enough. Students must have 'minds-on' experiences as well...Inquiry is central to science learning." -National Science Education Standards