RHL PReschool Director

Katherine Yeakel has been working professionally with children for over twenty years and has helped direct Children's Ministry programs for over fifteen! Katherine completed her Graduate program through California Lutheran University with an emphasis in Educational Leadership. Katherine's studies also include her undergraduate degree from California State University, Fullerton as well as Orange Coast College with her emphasis in Child and Adolescent Studies. 

Katherine's experience with Early Childhood Development and success in the completion of National Accreditation's help ensure that best practices and high quality programming are the leading factors in day to day operations for RHL Preschool. Katherine thrives in her passion of working with children and their families and is seen often in the community helping raise awareness for cancer prevention and community wide advocacy for people of all ages. 

When Katherine is not at RHL Preschool Directing and leading the team, she can be found cooking up a storm for her family or enjoying her boys in blue playing on the field-let's go Dodgers! Katherine and her family currently reside in the beach side town of San Clemente where they enjoy the sun-kissed water and soak up bonfire evenings. Katherine and her Husband Matthew have four beautiful boys under the age of 10.

Robert H. Lange Preschool teachers

Robert H. Lange Preschool has top of the line requirements for our teaching team. Our teachers have their Bachelor's Degrees, some even have Master's Degrees and California Teaching Credentials! Our team has over 100 combined years of teaching experience and enjoy every opportunity to grow in professional development and training. 

Interested in joining our team of educators? Contact our Preschool Director for current openings and positions available.  

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Faith Formation

Robert H. Lange Preschool firmly believes in the empowerment of character development through our Faith Formation teachings. The baseline of this concept is done with our weekly Chapels and our daily lessons. RHL Preschool is honored to have the leadership of Mount of Olives Church and lesson leaders Pastor Jim Reynen and Nicole Stirling who join us every week to share the good news of God's love and His amazing promise of grace! 

  • Rev. Jim Reynen


  • Nicole Stirling


  • Rev. John Steward


  • Robin Horton


Weekly Chapel

RHL Preschool uses a wonderful curriculum for our Chapel lessons that combine object lessons and audio visuals.

In addition, we give YOU the tools to carry on with our lessons at home! 

Keep an eye out for parent cues and questions so you and your whole family can grow in

your faith, Word and prayer!